Rap star Ice-T pens one cool memoir

Rap star Ice-T pens one cool memoir

While a lot of rappers talk a good game, Ice-T clearly talked personally in his songs. Anyone who reads his new book ‘Ice: A Memoir of Gangster Life and Redemption - from South Central to Hollywood’ will soon understand.

One of the first ‘gangsta rappers,’ Ice-T rhymed about hustling, banging and pimping on the mean streets of south-central Los Angeles. And the former Bodycount frontman explains how he “rapped about the (stuff) I knew firsthand.

To me, it was just the life I was living. If anyone asked me at the time, I called it reality rap’’.

The rapper turned actor, who was born Tracy Marrow, had an eventful life to say the least.

Raised as an only child in New Jersey, he became a pre-teen orphan when his parents both died of heart attacks.

Shipped off to live with his alcoholic aunt in Los Angeles, Marrow had a front-row seat for the early years of the West Coast gangs before becoming a street hustler and only just surviving a serious car accident. It was a four-year stint in the army that changed his life, and the book also provides readers with a behind-the-scenes look at his new career as an actor.

The star of ‘Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,’ it’s life affirming that Marrow has hit the big time portraying a member of law enforcement rather than someone on the other side of the fence.

www.7days.ae April 25th

Check and support out Ice T and Black Silver (Black Ice) @ RareHipHop.com

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