Barack Obama Talks Hip-Hop With Rolling Stone Magazine

When Barack Obama was running for President of the United States, we got to learn many interesting things about him, including his love of Jay-Z and interest in hip hop.

Recently, President Obama spoke more about his growing intrigue with the music of many artists due to the influence of his daughters.

It was huge news when President Obama played “99 Problems” by Jay-Z at his victory party in Des Moines, Iowa. Now he’s diversifying his hip hop portfolio beyond The Hova thanks to his two daughters Malia and Sasha and his personal aide, Reggie Love.

President Obama explains:

…my rap palate has greatly improved. Jay-Z used to be sort of what predominated, but now I’ve got a little Nas and a little Lil Wayne and some other stuff, but I would not claim to be an expert.

In addition to that the President also admits that music helps to keep him sane when things are crazy, which is something we at Alice can totally understand. He explains:

Music is still a great source of joy and occasional solace in the midst of what can be some difficult days.

It’s not unusual for us to play some Eminem or Katy Perry to help pump up the volume when we’ve had a stressful day. Do you try to expose your parents to new music like Malia and Sasha? Are they receptive to it? Let us know in the comments.

[Source: Rolling Stone]

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