Poll Results

Will you ever be too old to enjoy rap music?

:  0% (0)
:  100% (7)
Time will tell
:  0% (0)

Total votes cast = 7   [Vote Now | Other Polls]

Comments (5)

Guest 2011-04-14 11:30:00

Hip-Hop for baby boomers to those born yesterday will have Hip-Hop as a 'sound track' to their lives.

G 2011-04-12 11:30:00

Listen, regardless of the genre...good music is good music. This age factor thing in hip hop has got to end! I'm going to be '2 steppin' when I'm 90 years old!

Guest 2011-04-12 11:30:00

Hey Gee 2 stepping? The cats from the Bronx still break dancing from the 70's in underground clubs believe or not. Hip Hop forever...

doug Wilson 2011-04-12 11:30:00

This is our creation! That's like telling your parents that they are too old to listen to the blues, doo wop, and yes even rock and roll.

C Boogie 2011-04-10 11:30:00

Will never be too old! Good music is good music and I AM HIP-HOP! Good article on Rarehiphop.com about that same topic: http://www.rarehiphop.com/news.php?article=337&osCsid=2bc041bde431ad0cb003c277e8fe6e03

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