Poll Results

Rick Ross' 'Tupac's Back' has many versions like 'Big Pun's Back' and 'Biggie's Back', are these good tributes or just attempts to make a quick buck?

Good tributes
:  37.5% (3)
Attempts to make a quick buck
:  25% (2)
A little of both
:  37.5% (3)
I don't know
:  0% (0)

Total votes cast = 8   [Vote Now | Other Polls]

Comments (3)

C-LO 2011-06-16 11:30:00

Agreed Natalie, that's why I believe they should do it with their respective families if $ is to be made.

Natalie 2011-06-15 11:30:00

You know, I think people start out with a 'great idea' from the heart, but the idea wouldn't be put forth if it wasn't gonna make money. That's the nature of the business. So even with some good intentions, underneath the profit aspect is always the driving motive.

Guest 2011-06-12 11:30:00

Them Three Artists where among the Top 10 Greatest Ever and should never be Forgotten..

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