Poll Results

Jay-Z says he will give up using the word B---- for Blue Ivy, how do you feel?

No one should use this to describe a woman
:  50% (5)
It's a word to represent a specific type of girl
:  50% (5)

Total votes cast = 10   [Vote Now | Other Polls]

Comments (3)

TDayne 2012-01-20 11:30:00

I think he should continue to using the 'B' word as he did. Yes its a offensive word describing a certain female, but he uses several offensive words in his lyrics.

Craig Ice 2012-01-20 11:30:00

I think too much is made of it. Not all women are 'bitches' and not all men are 'dogs'.

Doug Wilson 2012-01-19 11:30:00

I also stopped doing a lot of things I used to do after having kids....

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