Poll Results

With the recent gun violence, can hip-hop play a lead role in curbing the foolishness?

:  46.6% (7)
No, it's not our fault or place
:  6.66% (1)
Not sure, but we have to try
:  46.6% (7)

Total votes cast = 15   [Vote Now | Other Polls]

Comments (2)

Guest 2012-08-25 11:30:00

Only those of us 'Thinking' in the Hip Hop community will understand this comment: It's as though there are some in Hip Hop who are working from a 'Hip Hop' Willie Lynch letter. Hip Hop heads have to get out of ourselves individually and into active involvement collectively to represent what we want to have seen, heard about Hip hop.

Doug Wilson 2012-07-31 11:30:00

Now is the time for the conscience Mc to shine new or old!

Doug Wilson 2012-07-16 11:30:00

As long as they don't forget where they came from!

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