Poll Results

As Hip-Hoppers, should we care that the Republican convention is going on?

Hell yeah, you need to know the agenda
:  63.6% (7)
Nah, voting is not going to change a thing
:  18.1% (2)
I don't know or care
:  18.1% (2)

Total votes cast = 11   [Vote Now | Other Polls]

Comments (4)

Cee 2012-08-30 11:30:00

I agree, Hip-Hop is everywhere and everything. Whether we like it or not, we have to know what is going on...everywhere!

Doug Wilson 2012-08-29 11:30:00

Everyone should be some what conscience.

Wayne 'D.J. Ace' Winston 2012-08-29 11:30:00

I've been in the hip hop game for almost 30 years. Politics is a factor in simple living. A lot is at stake, from health care, education, to foreign policy, and economy, which affects EVERY community. And if we're going to live in this nation, we need to know about all our leaders, Democrat and Republican, so we can have a say. If I'm suppose to be a spokesperson for my community, then I have to know everything that's going on. If I have to speak at a rally, talk to youth in the street, or write it in a rap, then I have to do my part to get the message to my people.

Cee 2012-08-28 11:30:00

Hip-Hop is everything, so yes we need to be there.

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