Poll Results

Who should be blamed for the lack of creativity being played on the radio?

Artists for putting out a bad product
:  0% (0)
Program Directors
:  20% (1)
Fans for not boycotting it
:  60% (3)
Labels for delivering it to the radio stations
:  0% (0)
All of the above
:  20% (1)

Total votes cast = 5   [Vote Now | Other Polls]

Comments (2)

Craig ICE 2012-10-28 11:30:00

I think all the above and then some, but fans are probably most guilty. The problem is, most fans just listen to, follow and buy who is 'hot' and popular and not who is creative.

Cee 2012-10-28 11:30:00

I hold the fans most guilty. The majority of fans seem to only follow, buy from and support the artists that are popular and creativity doesn't matter.

Doug Wilson 2012-10-28 11:30:00

It's all up to the fans they simply play what we buy or talk about. I give credit to the south for supporting all of their artist unlike some of us....

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